Quiz Settings
The Med LMS quiz settings screen is where you can set some global options that will apply to all quizzes on your site. Quiz settings are organized into a few sections, outlined below.

To access quiz settings: :
- In your Med LMS Courses Dashboard area click on QUIZZES.
- Click the Settings tab
Quiz Management & Display Settings

Quiz Builder
The quiz builder is enabled by default. It simplifies quiz creation and can save you a ton of time, especially for more complex quizzes with many questions.
It can be disabled, but we recommend leaving it enabled.
Learn how to use the quiz builder →
When the quiz builder is enabled, you have a few additional options:
- Questions Displayed: This signifies the number of questions that will appear in the quiz builder, before showing pagination at the bottom. For large quizzes, decreasing this number could make your quizzes easier to manage with the builder.
- Shared Quiz Questions: Enable this setting if you want to use the same question across multiple quizzes.
Once shared quiz questions is enabled, it should not be disabled without careful consideration. Any question associated to multiple quizzes will lose its association if the setting is disabled.
Custom Quiz Time Formats
By default, Med LMS will use your default date & time format for quiz statistics & the quiz leaderboard. Toggle this setting on if you’d like to use a custom date/time format. Once enabled, you’ll have two options:
- Statistic time format
- Leaderboard time format
Each one can be set individually.
Quiz Template Management
If you are using quiz templates, this section allows you to delete a quiz template, or update an existing template’s title.
- Choose the quiz template from the dropdown menu
- (Optional) Edit the template title
- Click Update to update the title, or Delete to delete that template
Quiz Email Settings

Quiz Categories & Tags

Using quiz categories & tags is completely optional, but they provide an additional way to organize your quizzes.
- Med LMS Quiz Categories: This enables you to organize your quizzes into custom categories that are only available for Med LMS quizzes.
- Med LMS Quiz Tags: This enables you to organize your quizzes using custom tags that are only available for Med LMS quizzes.
If you’ve enabled these options, when you go to edit a quiz, you’ll see each of them in the sidebar of the editing screen.

Managing Categories & Tags
You can manage (add, edit, or delete) the Med LMS Categories & Tags via the Actions menu:
- Navigate to Med LMS > QUIZZES
- Select the Actions dropdown menu
- Select your desired menu option

Quiz Custom Post Types

These options will apply globally to all Med LMS quizzes on your site:
- Quiz Search: Enable this setting if you want quizzes to be included in search results when using the default search form on the front-end of your site. In most cases, we recommend leaving this disabled.
Quiz Search has nothing to do with Google search results. This setting only applies when using the built-in WordPress search form on your website.
- Archive Page: Enable this setting if you want visitors to be able to access the default quiz archive page. When enabled, a preview of the URL is displayed.
- You need to re-save your permalinks after updating this setting.
- In most cases, we recommend leaving this disabled.
- RSS/Atom Feed: Enable this setting if you want to include Med LMS quizzes in the RSS feed of your site.
- Editor Supported Settings: You can choose which features you’d like to enable for the Quiz post type.
- Featured Image
- Comments
- Custom Fields
- Revisions