Table of Contents

Med LMS Courses Overview

This section will provide you with a quick overview of all of the features and settings built into Med LMS Courses. By clicking for more detail, you’ll learn how to create courses, assign lessons & topics, build quizzes with a variety of question types, grade assignments and more. We’ll also explain Med LMS Courses‘ settings, which will help you customize Med LMS Courses to meet your specific course design needs. Your Dashboard Tools are your interface to creating, editing and managing your courses. Clicking on an access button with lead you to the appropriate area of Med LMS. For more details on each of these sections, click the “Access” buttons below.

Your Dashboard Tools

Manage Your Courses


Create, edit, remove & organize unlimited courses in Med LMS


Create, edit & remove lessons. Add text & images, videos,  etc.


Organize your lessons by adding optional course materials.


Learn how to create quizzes to measure a user’s comprehension.


Create official certificates or rewards for course completion.


Optionally  allow users to upload files to any lesson or topic


Organize your courses with the creation of optional groups.


Add, edit, delete and manage your users and assign courses.


This section covers everything needed to build & set up a course with Med LMS. We cover the following topics:
  • Notifications send emails to your students after certain actions occur on your site


Begin building your course by adding lessons. In this section you’ll learn about:


Topics represent optional content that can be added to lessons. This section will cover:

Quizzes & Essays

Quizzes are designed to test a user’s comprehension of the learning material presented in your courses. This section covers everything you need to know to set up & customize a Med LMS quiz.
  • Quiz Builder Add, edit, remove & manage a quiz, and all its questions
  • Essays Essays can be added to a quiz and can include uploads or written text
  • Display Results Customize how the quiz results are displayed & select how you would like to provide answer feedback
  • Custom Quiz Fields Collect additional information from users who take a quiz by creating custom fields
  • Quiz Leaderboard An optional way to promote competition by displaying user results in a leaderboard


This section will explain how to create a certificate. Please see our additional documentation on how to associate them with a course or a quiz.


Assignments are files that can be uploaded to a lesson or topic by your users, and optionally graded by the instructor. This section includes the following:

  • Manage Assignments
    View, search, filter, approve, delete, comment, assign points & get notified for all assignments


This section will explain the concept of groups (memberships), and how you can leverage them to better manage, track and communicate with your users.
  • User Groups Create and sell user groups (memberships)


This section will user management and how to,  assign, manage, track and communicate with your users.


Shortcodes provide you with additional ways to insert Med LMS content into your courses, pages, posts and other custom post types.

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